It's a strange feeling after seeing the test has crossed two lines. That can't fit then? Have I peed a little too much on it , since it shows two lines BEFORE the 5 minutes have even passed? We're just taking test number two to be absolutely sure - just admit it, we all do , because we can't wait to get it 100% confirmed by the doctor , even if the tests still make us unsure.
The greatest experience is probably when you have to tell your partner. When he just stops for a split second and doesn't really know what to say and you get the answer "good dear"……..
The next step is to wait until after the neck fold scan to tell family and friends, or what? Why do you really have to wait until around 12 weeks? Why does the pregnancy become something hush hush? Why are we women "afraid" or what is it that makes it all a secret? It is said that between 15 and 20% of all pregnancies fail, and the vast majority happen within the first 12 weeks. Is that why? Do you just want to be absolutely sure that the baby is "stuck" in there?
The most important thing is that you yourself have to feel when you feel it is right to say it to others. In the end, it's your body, your life and your choice!
Before you go for a neck fold scan, you yourself have a little butterflies in your stomach. We of course hope that the numbers are as they should be and the baby is healthy. They say that the pregnancy is only "safe" when you go to the nuchal scan and have seen the small lump on the screen (which I personally couldn't find) and heard the heart beat. When we hear the heart beat, ohhh the most beautiful feeling.. Is it really my baby?
It feels strange because you try to feel a little for what is happening inside the stomach , even if you can't feel a push. Already there, " why can't I feel a connection to my baby?? ” The start of the many hormonal feelings. Don't worry, it's quite normal Mama . The t is seriously the best phrase during one's pregnancy because it makes it easier , especially if you hear it from another Mama. ;)
See you next Thursday Moms , hang in there!
Mama's sheet.
2. Column